Domain Name Association Launches Healthy Domains Initiative as Industry-Led Effort to Evolve Internet Naming Ecosystem

Domain Name Association LogoThe Domain Name Association (The DNA), the Internet domain industry’s trade association, announced today that it conducted its inaugural Healthy Domains Initiative (HDI) summit last week, a meeting focused on healthy growth within the domain name ecosystem

Domain Name Association LogoThe Domain Name Association (The DNA), the Internet domain industry’s trade association, announced today that it conducted its inaugural Healthy Domains Initiative (HDI) summit last week, a meeting focused on healthy growth within the domain name ecosystem.

Held in Seattle, the event brought together a diverse group of 77 representatives across multiple industries including registries, registrars, law enforcement agencies, civil society, child protection experts, illegal pharmacy authorities, and content providers.  Some of the noteworthy attendees were the FBI, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, the Motion Picture Association of America, the Recording Industry Association of America, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.  The event’s focus was to establish guidelines for industry-recommended best practices and measures for self-regulation.

“The DNA continually demonstrates creative innovation to support the importance and utility of domain names,” said Adrian Kinderis, VP Corporate Development at Neustar and Chairman of the DNA.  “This Healthy Domains Initiative is an important step forward to ensure we work collaboratively with our peers toward a more secure and stable Internet naming system.”

The agenda was developed with three founding principles in mind:

  • Establishing a network of industry partners focused on the creation and ongoing maintenance of a healthy domain ecosystem via effective communication and collaboration;
  • Developing industry-focused policy guidelines, recommended best practices and success metrics that result in tangible ways of identifying and promoting positive standards for healthy domains; and,
  • Demonstrating to the regulatory community a positive example of self-governing.

The summit’s discussion focused on domain name industry best practices principles and programs.  The group will now work to categorize and analyze the current landscape of online abuse to determine where the initial priorities should be focused.  In addition, working groups were formed to discuss a potential first set of recommended best practices programs that could be implemented.

“All summit attendees view the domain name system from unique perspectives. This diversity gives great insight when we’re working toward a common goal. The group rolled up their sleeves with a collective focus on ensuring the namespace grows in a healthy way,” said GoDaddy Director of Digital Crimes Unit Ben Butler.

“I applaud the efforts of The DNA and HDI for this proactive initiative and for their inclusive approach,” said Rightside Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs Statton Hammock.  “It was a productive summit and we are encouraged by the positive direction this effort is taking.”

About The DNA

The Domain Name Association (The DNA) is a non-profit business association that represents the interests of the domain name industry.  It is independent and global in scope, and its membership is open to organizations involved in the provision, support, and sale of domain names, such as domain name registries, registrars, resellers, and registry service providers.

Founding members include ARI Registry Services, Donuts, GoDaddy, Google, and Rightside, with current membership representing more than 47 established companies. The DNA’s mission is to promote the best interests of the domain name industry by advocating the use, adoption, and expansion of domain names as the primary tool for users to navigate the Internet. More information is available at

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