DNSSEC Protects Over 87,000 .CZ Domains

cz.nic logoIn the first week of March, DNSSEC technology was introduced for more than 70,000 .CZ domains. With over 87,000 signed domains, the CZ.NIC Association, the .CZ registry, has the most domain names with DNSSEC protecting their domain names

cz.nic logoIn the first week of March, DNSSEC technology was introduced for more than 70,000 .CZ domains. With over 87,000 signed domains, the CZ.NIC Association, the .CZ registry, has the most domain names with DNSSEC protecting their domain names.

The CZ.NIC Association introduced DNSSEC into the .CZ domain in October 2008. You can find out more about this technology at the address www.dnssec.cz.

Europe Registry logoTo register your .CZ domain name, check out Europe Registry here.