DENIC eG and Sabine Dolderer terminate co-operation (Denic news release)
Sabine Dolderer, member of the Executive Board of DENIC eG, and DENIC’s Supervisory Board have reached an amicable agreement to terminate their work with one another with immediate effect. The background to this step lies in differing views as to how DENIC ought to continue to develop in future. The Supervisory Board expressess thanks to Sabine Dolderer for the outstanding work she has contributed in the course of recent years.
DENIC eG and Sabine Dolderer terminate co-operation
Sabine Dolderer, member of the Executive Board of DENIC eG, and DENIC’s Supervisory Board have reached an amicable agreement to terminate their work with one another with immediate effect. The background to this step lies in differing views as to how DENIC ought to continue to develop in future. The Supervisory Board expressess thanks to Sabine Dolderer for the outstanding work she has contributed in the course of recent years.