Dan.com has been acquired by GoDaddy it was announced this week. The acquisition, which appears to have been under discussion for some time brings Dan’s products and engine to the world’s largest domain name registrar and their 21+ million customers.
Dan.com claims to have 17 million domains listed and processed over 100,000 secondary market domain transfers and hosts 2.5 million domain name for sale pages. It started life as Undeveloped and rebranded as Dan.com in June 2019.
In their statement Dan.com reckons that “by joining forces, we aim to create the best end-to-end solutions to trade and monetise domains for domain owners around the world.”
To start expect to see Dan’s customisable for sale pages being made available to GoDaddy customers and the LTO (Lease to Own) model being offered at GoDaddy.
Dan.com will soon join the Afternic DLS network creating the most liquid and seamless domain secondary market experience.
“When Paul and I started flirting about working together, the seed was planted and grew as we discovered our ideas aligned about how to take the domain secondary market forward,” said Reza Sardeha, Dan.com founder, in a statement.
GoDaddy was equally enthusiastic.
“We are beyond thrilled to welcome Dan.com’s team of proven innovators to GoDaddy’s Aftermarket team,” said Paul Nicks, President of Domains, GoDaddy. “Their massively popular sales lander and fulfillment platforms will fit beautifully with Afternic’s broad distribution network while accelerating further optimisations and enhancements as we create a best-in-class integrated investor experience.”
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