Cybercrime on .CH Websites Declines In 2015, But Increases On Swiss Companies Using Other TLDs

SWITCH logoThe number of incidents of cybercrime on websites using .ch (Switzerland) and .li (Liechtenstein) domains decreased in 2015 while there was an increase in the number of phishing attacks on Swiss companies’ websites with other domain endings, the SWITCH Foundation, which operates the registry for both ccTLDs, announced

SWITCH logoThe number of incidents of cybercrime on websites using .ch (Switzerland) and .li (Liechtenstein) domains decreased in 2015 while there was an increase in the number of phishing attacks on Swiss companies’ websites with other domain endings, the SWITCH Foundation, which operates the registry for both ccTLDs, announced.

According to the cybercrime report, “SWITCH took action to remove malware from 698 .ch and .li websites in 2015, down from 1,839 in 2014. The situation as regards phishing was more or less stable: 329 .ch and .li websites were affected, compared with 323 in 2014. Meanwhile, there was an increase in the number of phishing attacks on Swiss companies’ websites with other domain endings.”

“Cybercriminals are driven by money. We are quick in identifying domain misuse and acting to stop it, so attacking Swiss websites is becoming less and less worthwhile,” explains SWITCH security expert Serge Droz.

Droz sees new challenges where phishing is concerned.

“Phishing attacks did not focus solely on banks in Switzerland last year, they were primarily targeted at online shops. Our goal for 2016 is to be even more efficient in dealing with phishing. Since we can only have a direct influence on .ch and .li, we are all the more dependent on cooperation with colleagues in Switzerland and abroad when it comes to other domain endings.”

For more on the SWITCH cybercrime report, see: