Turning the legal tables, Craigslist Inc. this morning filed a lawsuit against the attorney general of South Carolina for threatening to file criminal charges against the online classified advertising service.Craigslist, which is known for selling everything from toasters to escort services, said today that it had filed a lawsuit in federal court in South Carolina against Attorney General Henry McMaster. The company is seeking a restraining order and declaratory relief, which is a court’s judgment on a party’s rights without awarding damages or ordering anything to be done.
http://www.pcworld.com/article/165257/.htmlAlso see:Craigslist sues South Carolina attorney general
Classified advertising website Craigslist has responded to accusations of criminal activity by suing the attorney general of South Carolina.The San Francisco-based website said that it was taking the action after the state’s attorney general, Henry McMaster, said that he was considering a criminal investigation into the actions of its chief executive, Jim Buckmaster.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/may/20/craigslist-south-carolina-attorney-general-lawsuitCraigslist Sues South Carolina Attorney General
Like those Clint Eastwood movies in which Dirty Harry is pushed to his limit and finally lashes out, Craigslist sued South Carolina’s attorney general, Henry McMaster, in federal court on Wednesday. The classified-ad site is asking the court to rule that the attorney general has no right to threaten executives of the company with criminal prosecution for aiding prostitution in the state.
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