Connecting .NYC: What Is it? – Community Presentation by Tom Lowenhaupt

connecting nyc logoFor those wanting to know more about the .nyc proposal, Tom Lowenhaupt gives a video presentation in this ISOC New York public forum where he explains all you need to know about the proposed gTLD

connecting nyc logoFor those wanting to know more about the .nyc proposal, Tom Lowenhaupt gives a video presentation in this ISOC New York public forum where he explains all you need to know about the proposed gTLD.

Lowenhaupt gives this presentation to an audience that probably does not know a lot about the proposal and what domain names are and explains why a gTLD such as .nyc would benefit New Yorkers. The presentation goes for about one hour.

On .nyc news, it has also been brought to my attention there is a website that has nothing to do with Tom Lowenhaupt’s .nyc proposal with Whois details not available. To find out more on the “official” .nyc proposal, see

Check out for the presentation.