Conficker still infecting 50,000 PCs per day

The Conficker worm is still infecting systems at a brisk rate and continues to snag computers in Fortune 1000 companies, according to security researchers.

[IDG] The Conficker worm is still infecting systems at a brisk rate and continues to snag computers in Fortune 1000 companies, according to security researchers.The worm is infecting about 50,000 new PCs each day, according to researchers at Symantec, who reported Wednesday that the U.S., Brazil and India have been hit the hardest.. “Much of the media hype seems to have died down around Conficker/Downadup, but it is still out there spreading far and wide,” Symantec said in a blog post. see:Kaspersky impressed by botnet slickness
Cybercrime fighter Eugene Kaspersky can’t help but be impressed by the slick operations behind the Conficker botnet, and says that it could have been worse had the botnet been after more than just money.”They are high-end engineers who write code in a good way,” Kaspersky told yesterday. “They use cryptographic systems in the right way, they don’t make mistakes — they are really professional.”,130061744,339296562,00.htm

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