.CO Celebrating 10 Years of Innovation

It’s been 10 years this month since Neustar launched .co, taking it from “just” Colombia’s ccTLD to a top-level domain recognised around the world.

When it was launched 10 years ago, they set their sights on .co becoming the web address of choice for the world’s next great businesses, brands and big ideas to grow online. Today the .co community stretches across two hundred countries and territories with over 2.3 million domain names registered by innovators, entrepreneurs, businesses and brands in every corner of the globe.

Celebrating the tenth birthday, Neustar figured it is a great time for reflection, posting on the .CO blog that as they reflect upon the last decade, they are simply awestruck by all the great things that the .CO community has achieved.

“One domain name at a time, you have taken your ideas and transformed them into new realities that have changed the world – in big ways and small. From curating the world’s largest platform of angel investors (angel.co); to developing a fully interactive digital home gym (mirror.co); to simplifying student loans (commonbond.co); to making bicycles more beautiful (brilliant.co); to igniting the creative spark in women (brit.co) – you never cease to inspire us.

Want to meet some of the movers, shakers and better-internet-makers who are building the future on .CO? This video shows some of them.

To say “thank you” to our community, they have also created this infographic highlighting some of the innovations from the past ten years that have come to shape the world as we know it today. They hope it inspires you, as much as you have inspired them!

Cheers to the next ten years!

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