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CIRA Introduces DNSSEC To Protect Canadians Online

CIRA dotCA logo[news release] The Canadian Internet Registration Authority, the organization that manages the .CA domain, is making the Internet safer for all Canadians with the implementation of DNSSEC, the latest in a string of new security measures rolling out in 2014.

Half of Canadians would rather deal with .CA than a .COM website when it comes to online activities that require the disclosure of personal information, such as shopping or banking, according to CIRA’s 2014 Internet Factbook.

DNSSEC builds a “chain of trust” between users and the websites they wish to visit. It helps counter malicious online activities such as DNS spoofing and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. These fraudulent activities are usually intended to capture personal information, such as bank account logins.

.CA is just one link in this chain of trust. Other stakeholders in Canada’s Internet ecosystem must now take action to protect .CA websites, and Canadian consumers and businesses.

“The success of DNSSEC now depends on implementation at the system level by players throughout the Internet ecosystem,” said Byron Holland, President and CEO of CIRA. “The full implementation of this ‘chain of trust’ is required to improve the safety and reliability of the Internet infrastructure that has become so vital to the economic and social fibre of our nation. I applaud those stakeholders that have already embraced DNSSEC.”

Visit this website to learn more about how DNSSEC works and how to make your .CA web address part of the chain of trust.

Domain Registrars also have a role to play as service providers who help Canadian businesses and individuals secure their .CA domain names with DNSSEC. easyDNS was one of the first accredited DNSSEC Registrars in Canada.

“Our focus at easyDNS is to offer our members DNS capabilities that meet their needs, and offer them and their customers the best – and safest – experience possible,” said Mark Jeftovic, President and CEO. “The foundation of this rests on trust. With the offering of DNSSEC, our clients can trust that .CA, is a secure choice. Kudos to CIRA for taking this step, and we’re proud to be one of the first in Canada to offer this service to our members.”

About CIRA

The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) manages the .CA top-level domain, Canada’s online identifier, on behalf of all Canadians. A Member-driven organization, CIRA also facilitates the development of a better Internet for all Canadians, and represents the .CA registry internationally.

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