China denies cyberattacks on U.S. power grid

[IDG] China denied involvement in malware attacks designed to shut down the U.S. electrical grid in a time of war, China said Thursday.”The incident of attacks on the U.S. electrical grid from China and Russia simply does not exist,” Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters, according to a transcript of the briefing.”We hope the concerned media will cautiously handle groundless statements and especially critiques against China.” Electric Utilities May Be Vulnerable to Cyberattack
The nation’s electric utilities have failed to fully survey the vulnerability of their equipment to computer-based attacks from foreign countries and hackers, a government-authorized regulatory group concluded this week. That assessment came as senior U.S. officials renewed warnings that experts from Russia, China and other nations have been trying for years to probe and exploit those vulnerabilities.The alert by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. on Tuesday came on the same day that a senior military official reported that the Pentagon has spent more than $100 million in the past six months responding to cyberattacks or other network problems. Government officials have long complained that private industry, which controls almost all of the U.S. electrical supply, has taken few measures to defend itself against debilitating attacks.


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