Category Archives: Research

Exploring factors influencing Internet users’ adoption of Internet television in Taiwan by Kenneth C.C. Yang and Yowei Kang

Exploring factors influencing Internet users’ adoption of Internet television in Taiwan by Kenneth C.C. Yang and Yowei Kang
Abstract: This study examined how demographics, Internet use motivation, and beliefs about Internet television influenced Internet users’ intentions to adopt Internet television in Taiwan. The belief factors of users in programming quality, government regulation, and media impact contributed significantly to predicting an intention to adopt Internet television. Results from hierarchical regression also demonstrated that gender and Internet use motivations were predictive as well.

us: Measuring Broadband’s Economic Impact by William H. Lehr, Carlos A. Osorio, Sharon E. Gillett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Does broadband matter to the economy? Numerous studies have focused on whether there is a digital divide, on regulatory impacts and investment incentives, and on the factors influencing where broadband is available. However, given how recently broadband has been adopted, little empirical research has investigated its economic impact. This paper presents estimates of the effect of broadband on a number of indicators of economic activity, including employment, wages, and industry mix, using a cross-sectional panel data set of communities (by zip code) across the United States.