Domain name overload

Original article written by Naseem Javed :

The explosion of new names will eventually hit the fan, and the global entrepreneurial community in desperate need of making some mega online bucks will ride this flood by paying top dollar to have any desired name with an equally desired suffix to corner markets.

However, it’s a great move that favors the global consumer. This move creates a new wave of interconnected global interactions and equally allows existing powerhouse name owners with a new set of strategies and angles to expand their global outreach by marking new territory.

Original article written by Naseem Javed :

The explosion of new names will eventually hit the fan, and the global entrepreneurial community in desperate need of making some mega online bucks will ride this flood by paying top dollar to have any desired name with an equally desired suffix to corner markets.

However, it’s a great move that favors the global consumer. This move creates a new wave of interconnected global interactions and equally allows existing powerhouse name owners with a new set of strategies and angles to expand their global outreach by marking new territory.

With this new decision, big and small players will have their own suffixes like, while others would create or all the way to Never in the history of business will a single decision create so much impact as this bold new policy by ICANN. Even when domain names were originally introduced, the adaptation process matured over a decade, and now everyone engaged in e-commerce has become so financially dependent on the structure of their domain names, the impact will be massive. Without a clear blueprint or a proper evaluation of their existing dotcom potential, a business can make huge blunders as sharks enter in protected waters.

My opinion :

I agree with what is stated by Mr Javed, but i think ICANN would lay down rules for each suffix before introducing it onto the web. Most registry’s that carry ccTLD extension have rules and regulations before a person can obtain one for example Ireland, if you would like to obtain a .ie domain name you must meet the registry criteria such have a presence in Ireland and trade within Ireland. If you have no connection to Ireland you will be rejected by the registry (IEDR).

If ICANN allow the new extensions such as .hotel, .sex and .ibm into the domain market they would assign registry’s to each of the extension. Just because ICANN have approved new extensions does not mean it will be available to everyone, the threat of internet sharks could possible be none. Obviously ICANN would assign a governing body to decide who is eligible to obtain the domain name.

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.AU policy change for the best ?

With the policy change what is your opinion ? being avaliable to be sold on the aftermarket  will this destroy the integrity of the domain extension or will it be one of  the most sort after domain names ?.

The value of a key asset for many businesses – their domain name – is on the rise, thanks to policy changes to allow the sale of domain names introduced this month.

With the policy change what is your opinion ? being avaliable to be sold on the aftermarket  will this destroy the integrity of the domain extension or will it be one of  the most sort after domain names ?.

The value of a key asset for many businesses – their domain name – is on the rise, thanks to policy changes to allow the sale of domain names introduced this month.

Changes to the policy by Australia’s Internet Domain Authority, which came into effect on 1 June, enable businesses to sell their registered domain name licenses directly to eligible third parties.

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Domain name registration scams

It seems fake registrars have emerged and are now trying to promote domain registrations, currently AsiaDNR and China registry are the new culprits. My personal opinion is domain buyer beware as they contact people that have trade marks and tell them if they do not register there company’s names they will sell them off to someone else. This is obvious fraud but when your company could lose there Internet market share it’s something that can plague you.

It seems fake registrars have emerged and are now trying to promote domain registrations, currently AsiaDNR and China registry are the new culprits. My personal opinion is domain buyer beware as they contact people that have trade marks and tell them if they do not register there company’s names they will sell them off to someone else. This is obvious fraud but when your company could lose there Internet market share it’s something that can plague you.

China Registry are also stealing images from reputable companies. I assume they have done this to coax unsuspecting domain buyers into thinking its a registrar they can trust.

A U.S. judge has ordered a Canadian company to stop billing small businesses and other customers for nonexistent domain name registration services, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said Tuesday.

The Toronto-based Data Business Solutions, doing business as Internet Listing Service, deceptively posed as domain name registrars and sent bogus bills to thousands of U.S. small businesses and nonprofit groups, the FTC alleged. The invoices were for annual “Website address listing” as well as search engine listing.

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Why are domain names so Valuable ?

A digital version of the book “Mobile, Domains & The Future” from Javier Marti, is now available for free download through

Whereas in the past books about the mobile environment have been exclusively focused either on the technical or on the sociological impact of the mobile web, resulting in a poor learning experience for the average person or web professional.

A digital version of the book “Mobile, Domains & The Future” from Javier Marti, is now available for free download through

Whereas in the past books about the mobile environment have been exclusively focused either on the technical or on the sociological impact of the mobile web, resulting in a poor learning experience for the average person or web professional.

“Mobile, Domains & The Future” integrates figures, statistics, advice and information on the world of domain names, future trends in the mobile arena, and the implementation of the domain extension dotMobi or .mobi. The book also includes domainers’ personal stories, the debates on which mobile domain extension “is better”, the logic behind domaining, potential threats along the way of mobile development, and much more.

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Soviet domains on the increase

An article that was posted by detnews states that .SU domains are on the rise, with .RU as the primary domain for residents within Russia it is very interesting that the .SU has risen 45 % over the last year.  Mainly attracting bloggers and die hard Soviet supporters it maybe a more difficult task for Iana to phase out the .SU domain name.

An article that was posted by detnews states that .SU domains are on the rise, with .RU as the primary domain for residents within Russia it is very interesting that the .SU has risen 45 % over the last year.  Mainly attracting bloggers and die hard Soviet supporters it maybe a more difficult task for Iana to phase out the .SU domain name.

Russian nostalgia for the Soviet empire is part of the story. Nashi, or “Ours,” is a pro-Kremlin youth group that gained notoriety for raucous protests against Kremlin critics. The group loyally praises President Vladimir Putin at “,” though it denies its choice of the “.su” domain was meant to send a political message.

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How to choose a non-profit domain

Most people in the domain industry would think .ORG if you are purchasing a non-profit domain name, sometimes a .NET domain depending if the .ORG is available. So what makes a good domain name in this instance ? Short and easy to remember this will drive your viewers to your site.

Most people in the domain industry would think .ORG if you are purchasing a non-profit domain name, sometimes a .NET domain depending if the .ORG is available. So what makes a good domain name in this instance ? Short and easy to remember this will drive your viewers to your site.

Make It Memorable

Your domain name should be easy and memorable. Something like is simple to remember and instantly communicates where you are and what you do.

When choosing your domain name, imagine someone is seeing it on a billboard while driving 60 miles per hour. You have only a couple of seconds, so make it count. Also, when people are talking about your charity, your domain name should not need explanation. Someone should be able to tell your name to someone else without having to repeat it.

To Grab a .ORG domain go to :

More of the article can be found at :

Microsoft launches cash-for-click service

Microsoft has launched a new “cashback” search service that pays users a rebate for buying products they found through the company’s Windows Live search engine.

Live Search cashback is the latest attempt by the world’s largest software maker to draw users to its online search engine, which is a distant third behind market leader Google and Yahoo.

“This is giving you a reason why you should use a particular search engine,” Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said at the company’s Advance 08 advertising conference

Microsoft has launched a new “cashback” search service that pays users a rebate for buying products they found through the company’s Windows Live search engine.

Live Search cashback is the latest attempt by the world’s largest software maker to draw users to its online search engine, which is a distant third behind market leader Google and Yahoo.

“This is giving you a reason why you should use a particular search engine,” Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said at the company’s Advance 08 advertising conference.

Microsoft sees online search as a critical component to establishing an online advertising powerhouse. By placing text-based ads next to results from its ubiquitous search engine, Google has become the leader in web advertising.

A product search on Windows Live will call up links to online retailers offering that item. The user who buys that item from the retailer’s site will get two per cent to 30 per cent of the purchase price back as a rebate.

Consumers would have to sign up for a free Windows Live cashback account to participate in the program. Rebates would be issued after a 60-day waiting period to make sure there are no returned products.

Gates said Microsoft would partner with more than 700 retailers including eBay Inc, Barnes & Noble, Sears and Home Depot.

Microsoft will offer advertisers a cost-per-acquisition model of payment, meaning that they only pay for ads that lead to purchases. The current cost-per-click model charges advertisers for every click on a sponsored link associated with certain keywords.

“If you knew the user and watched their behaviour you could do a lot better for them in terms of taking them directly to the information or presentation they want. Search can be dramatically better,” said Gates.

“We think we’re entering a period where there’ll be quite a bit of change (in search).”

The company’s effort to gain more market share in web search led to its unsolicited offer to buy Yahoo earlier this year. It withdrew a sweetened $US47.5 billion ($A49.6 billion) offer a few weeks ago, but said on Sunday it had re-approached Yahoo with an alternative deal.

A source familiar with the talks said Microsoft had offered to buy Yahoo’s search business and take a minority stake in the rest of the company after selling off its Asian assets. Microsoft executives did not address the Yahoo issue directly at the conference.

Microsoft also launched Live Search Farecast, based on the airfare-predicting technology that the company bought in April through its acquisition of travel site Farecast. Microsoft also said it would consider cash rebates for flights booked through the search.