Diablo3.com aquired by Blizzard

blizzard.jpgDomain acquisition gets tongues waggling

A few weeks ago, fan site Diablo3.com launched a counter ticking-down to some ‘major news’. Online chit-chat had it that this could be the unveiling of Diablo 3, given the signs, although we were less than convinced given the noises coming from VU Games PR.

The big news does involve Blizzard, however, the fan site revealing that they have sold Diablo3.com to the developer for an undisclosed sum, and will instead be moving camp to Diablofans.com

blizzard.jpgDomain acquisition gets tongues waggling

A few weeks ago, fan site Diablo3.com launched a counter ticking-down to some ‘major news’. Online chit-chat had it that this could be the unveiling of Diablo 3, given the signs, although we were less than convinced given the noises coming from VU Games PR.

The big news does involve Blizzard, however, the fan site revealing that they have sold Diablo3.com to the developer for an undisclosed sum, and will instead be moving camp to Diablofans.com.

“Well, there’s no point in beating around the bush any longer, so let’s get right down to it. A few months ago we were contacted by Blizzard in regards to the Diablo3.com domain name. While they appreciate all the work that’s been put into running this big Diablo fan community over the years, they still want the domain name. Hmm, I wonder why? Now before you get all up in arms about it, allow me to explain a few things,” read a statement from the fan site’s ‘management’.

“First off, this fan site isn’t going anywhere, it’s just getting a new name: Diablofans.com! Blizzard is actually being really cool about it, giving us all the time we need to make it a smooth transition before we hand the old domain over to them. So be sure to update all of your bookmarks and point ‘em to diablofans.com instead. Your user accounts will all still be perfectly functional and, along with this new site name, we’ll soon have a big site redesign up and running as well. A new name, a new look. Huzzah!”

Of course, the interweb will now probably jump on this news as proof of Diablo 3’s progress, and if this is the case, we’re hopeful

Full Article at http://play.tm/story/17846

People love to meet online


People love to meet online and that fact helped Rick Latona close a $100,000 sale of MeetPeople.com this week to take the #1 spot on weekly Top 20 sales chart. SearchEngines.com ran a close second at $92,500. Moniker.com had auctioned that domain off at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West in February but the deal wasn’t completed until this week.

Sedo.com put more names on the Big Board than any other venue, claiming eight spots including #3 Sexkontakt.com at €40,000 ($62,280). Sedo’s roster included an IDN at #11, Sociétés.com at €8,404 ($13,085) and they also put two ccTLDs on the elite list, #13 Medicamentos.es (“medicines” in Spanish) at €7,100 ($11,056) and #15 (tie) ManchesterNews.co.uk at $10,000


People love to meet online and that fact helped Rick Latona close a $100,000 sale of MeetPeople.com this week to take the #1 spot on weekly Top 20 sales chart. SearchEngines.com ran a close second at $92,500. Moniker.com had auctioned that domain off at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West in February but the deal wasn’t completed until this week.

Sedo.com put more names on the Big Board than any other venue, claiming eight spots including #3 Sexkontakt.com at €40,000 ($62,280). Sedo’s roster included an IDN at #11, Sociétés.com at €8,404 ($13,085) and they also put two ccTLDs on the elite list, #13 Medicamentos.es (“medicines” in Spanish) at €7,100 ($11,056) and #15 (tie) ManchesterNews.co.uk at $10,000.

Further Information : http://www.dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm

Domain Name Law and Regulation Seminar & Book Launch

International Domain Name Law - ICANN and the UDRP by David Lindsay cover imageThere will be a seminar on domain name law and regulation, and launch of the book “International Domain Name Law: ICANN and the UDRP”, in Melbourne on Wednesday 20 February for our Australian readers. Continue reading “Domain Name Law and Regulation Seminar & Book Launch”

Dun & Bradstreet Buys AllBusiness.com for US$55M

Dun & Bradstreet logoDun & Bradstreet Corp., a business information company, said Tuesday it has bought AllBusiness.com for $55 million and subsequently raised its 2008 revenue outlook to account for the acquisition according to Associated Press.
The report says Dun & Bradstreet bought the online media and e-commerce company in an effort to expand its Internet business.
To read the AP story in full, see money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/apwire/0ba674f637443b30b0d91f9bdb06b003.htm

MCMC-MYNIC Seminar & Exhibition–Southern Corridor Roadshow 2007

MYNIC logoThe Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and MYNIC Berhad, the .my domain name registrar will be presenting MCMC-MYNIC Seminar & Exhibition – Southern Corridor Roadshow 2007 on 6th September 2007 (Thursday) at Persada Johor International Convention Centre in Johor Bahru with the theme “Get Online: Empower Yourself on the Internet”. Continue reading “MCMC-MYNIC Seminar & Exhibition–Southern Corridor Roadshow 2007”