Buzz of Google’s ‘intellectual bumblebee’: Vint Cerf

It was almost certainly one of the simplest interviews that Google has ever conducted. The Silicon Valley giant, famous for its punishing hiring process and exacting standards, received a short email asking a straightforward question. “Do you need any help?” it said. A one-word response – “yes” – was enough to secure a job with the company. It was unusual in many respects, of course: the man saying yes was Google chief executive Eric Schmidt – and the man asking the question was Vint Cerf, the pioneering researcher commonly regarded as one of the founding fathers of the internet.

It was almost certainly one of the simplest interviews that Google has ever conducted. The Silicon Valley giant, famous for its punishing hiring process and exacting standards, received a short email asking a straightforward question. “Do you need any help?” it said. A one-word response – “yes” – was enough to secure a job with the company.It was unusual in many respects, of course: the man saying yes was Google chief executive Eric Schmidt – and the man asking the question was Vint Cerf, the pioneering researcher commonly regarded as one of the founding fathers of the internet.

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