The 2006-2007 ICANN Operating Plan describes the series of projects and deliverables based on the ICANN Strategic Plan. According to the Operating Plan, ICANN is to “establish a comprehensive plan to be followed in the event of financial, technical or business failure of a registry operator, including full compliance with data escrow requirements and recovery testing”.This report is being prepared as part of the registry failover project to provide guidance to ICANN and the Internet community in the event of a registry failure. This is not intended to be a policy document. The registry failover project poses a complex set of issues that involve ICANN’s mission in both ensuring DNS stability and promoting competition. Following the 29th ICANN International Public Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, ICANN will synthesize a best practices document describing registry failover mechanisms. These mechanisms will also provide guidance or be incorporated into ICANN’s new gTLD process potentially as a best practices contractual requirement. see this posting on the ICANN Blog:
ICANN wants your comments on the Registry Failure Report
ICANN has posted a detailed report titled Building Towards a Comprehensive Registry Failover Plan. This ICANN’s first study of registry failure, and represents a significant document with information for existing registries, future registries, registrars and registrants. The report will be discussed at the 29th ICANN International Public Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico as part of a public forum on protections for registrants.
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