Australia’s Dallas Buyers Club saga draws to a close

The long-running legal action launched by the rights holders of the movie Dallas Buyers Club today draws to a close.

A long-running legal action launched by the rights holders of the movie Dallas Buyers Club today draws to a close.The saga began in October 2014, with Dallas Buyers Club LLC and movie studio Voltage Pictures launching an action in the Federal Court that sought to uncover the details of thousands of ISP customers. see:Dallas Buyers Club Gives Up Chasing Pirates in Australia
Dallas Buyers Club has finally given up on its mission to demand cash settlements from alleged movie pirates in Australia. It’s believed the company has made large amounts of money from the activity in other jurisdictions but will not do so Down Under after failing to convince a judge it would not engage in so-called “speculative invoicing.”The company behind the movie Dallas Buyers Club (DBC) is known not only for making movies, but also by its ancillary business of chasing down alleged Internet pirates in order to force a cash settlement from them.In several countries the company has been collecting hundreds to thousands of dollars from each of their ‘Joe Public’ targets but its efforts to do so in Australia have been beset with problems.

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