Australian technologist predicts cleaner internet

The internet could be on the verge of a revolution as internet providers use new technology to filter out pirated material, child pornography and malware and buddy up with copyright owners to bolster their own revenues, an Australian technologist has forecast.

The internet could be on the verge of a revolution as internet providers use new technology to filter out pirated material, child pornography and malware and buddy up with copyright owners to bolster their own revenues, an Australian technologist has forecast.Kevin Bermeister, one of the original financial backers of Skype, said in a blog that technology sold by the likes of network equipment giants Cisco, Juniper and Huawei had developed to the point where it would be possible for internet providers to offer a “global file registry filter” that would reduce piracy and net nasties “to a very small problem”.To read this Stuff report in full, see:

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