A Melbourne court has moved to try to curb damaging material on the internet relating to the alleged murder of ABC staffer Jill Meagher.Deputy Chief Magistrate Felicity Broughton ordered the removal of background material relating to Adrian Bayley, 41, who is accused of the rape and murder of Ms Meagher.The focus of the ban is on internet sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which have published a vast amount of material that Bayley’s lawyers argue incite hatred and vilify him.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-10-11/court-bans-internet-postings-over-meagher-case/4308048Also see:Court orders internet ban on Meagher accused
A magistrate today ordered any damaging material about the man accused of raping and murdering Jill Meagher be removed from the internet.Deputy Chief Magistrate Felicity Broughton said because of the internet’s unregulated and anarchic environment, there was a view any ban would be a futile gesture but she disagreed.
Australian court bans internet postings over Meagher case
A Melbourne court has moved to try to curb damaging material on the internet relating to the alleged murder of ABC staffer Jill Meagher.