.AU Passes 2.5 Million Registered Domains

The number of registered .AU (Australia) domain names passed the 2.5 million mark in late August, auDA and AusRegistry announced.

The number of registered .AU (Australia) domain names passed the 2.5 million mark in late August, auDA and AusRegistry announced.Since passing two million registrations in March 2011, the .AU namespace has grown at a steady pace thanks, the regulatory and policy body and registry note, to the combined efforts of accredited registrars in promoting .AU as Australia’s home on the internet. Approximately 86 percent of all .AU domain names are registered under .com.au.According to Verisign’s latest Domain Name Industry Brief, .AU is the tenth largest ccTLD. The largest is .DE (Germany) with almost 15.19 million registrations today. Second is probably .TK (Tokelau) however the registry does not publish registration statistics for its free domain names, followed by .UK (United Kingdom – 10.2m), .NL (Netherlands – 5.03m), .RU (Russian Federation – 3.99m) .CN (China – 4.13m as of 31 July), .EU (European Union – 3.65m), .BR (Brazil – 3.05m), .AR (Argentina – figures unknown) and then .AU, currently with 2.51m registrations.