au: How porn is wrecking relationships

The Herald spent two months charting a social phenomenon that is poisoning couples and destroying families. Adele Horin reports: The internet has brought an explosion of pornography into the home and workplace of virtually every Australian. Just a mouse-click away are images that exceed the bounds of fantasy or imagination. In 1961 the introduction of the pill helped usher in a sexual revolution. It had a profound effect on sexual attitudes, practices and relationships. It brought worry-free sex first to married couples, then to singles. And now there are experts – psychiatrists, sociologists and relationship counsellors among them – who argue that the social and psychological impact of internet pornography is potentially as huge.

The Herald spent two months charting a social phenomenon that is poisoning couples and destroying families. Adele Horin reports: The internet has brought an explosion of pornography into the home and workplace of virtually every Australian. Just a mouse-click away are images that exceed the bounds of fantasy or imagination. In 1961 the introduction of the pill helped usher in a sexual revolution. It had a profound effect on sexual attitudes, practices and relationships. It brought worry-free sex first to married couples, then to singles. And now there are experts – psychiatrists, sociologists and relationship counsellors among them – who argue that the social and psychological impact of internet pornography is potentially as huge.

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