Asia’s battle against the Web

As the nations of Asia strive to compete with their Western counterparts in terms of economic prowess and technological advancement, a new battlefield is forming – and it lies in cyberspace. The battle is not between corporate giants for the next big deal, but between governments and the people fighting for their rights of freedom of speech online. The Internet, since its birth in the mainstream in the late 1970s, has grown to become the most powerful communication tool the world has known. But with that power comes a danger – an overwhelming sense of control by some of the less democratic governments of the region.

As the nations of Asia strive to compete with their Western counterparts in terms of economic prowess and technological advancement, a new battlefield is forming – and it lies in cyberspace. The battle is not between corporate giants for the next big deal, but between governments and the people fighting for their rights of freedom of speech online. The Internet, since its birth in the mainstream in the late 1970s, has grown to become the most powerful communication tool the world has known. But with that power comes a danger – an overwhelming sense of control by some of the less democratic governments of the region.

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