APRICOT 2014 Moving To Malaysia

APRICOT logo[announcement] Following the decision to move APRICOT 2014 from Bangkok earlier this week, APIA and APNIC announce today that APRICOT 2014 will now be held in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Petaling Jaya is a satellite city of Kuala Lumpur and is accessible via Kuala Lumpur International Airport


APRICOT logo[announcement] Following the decision to move APRICOT 2014 from Bangkok earlier this week, APIA and APNIC announce today that APRICOT 2014 will now be held in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Petaling Jaya is a satellite city of Kuala Lumpur and is accessible via Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

While it was the strong intention of APIA and APNIC to hold APRICOT 2014in Thailand, the announcement of a 60-day State of Emergency by the Thai Government in Bangkok, advice from our local hosts, and the subsequent upgrading of Thailand’s travel warnings by international governments means that hosting APRICOT 2014 in Thailand is now not possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience this change in location will cause for our delegates.

APRICOT 2014 will be held at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.  All registrations already made by delegates for Bangkok remain valid for APRICOT 2014 in Petaling Jaya.

We urge all delegates to check their visa requirements for Malaysia as soon as possible and if a visa is required, please contact your closest Malaysian Embassy urgently to ensure your application will be processed in time for travel.

A Frequently Asked Questions page is now available on the APRICOT 2014 website.

The APRICOT 2014 site will be updated regularly with new information on the event. Please check the website, the APRICOT 2014 Facebook page or follow @apnic on Twitter for the latest updates.

APIA and APNIC would also like to thank True and NECTEC for their support in helping arrange APRICOT 2014 in Thailand, and we hope that APRICOT will return to Thailand in the future.

If you need any further information, please contact us at secretariat@apricot2014.net.

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