Another government agency is eyeing your telephone data. And it’s not the NSA.

A top federal agency is demanding that U.S. phone companies collect and store personal information about their customers that, if exposed, could reveal details about their private behavior. The agency also wants the companies to file reports about that activity to the government. The stored records include metadata such as individual phone numbers, the dates and times of their calls and highly specific routing information.

A top federal agency is demanding that U.S. phone companies collect and store personal information about their customers that, if exposed, could reveal details about their private behavior. The agency also wants the companies to file reports about that activity to the government. The stored records include metadata such as individual phone numbers, the dates and times of their calls and highly specific routing information.And no, we’re not talking about the NSA.The Federal Communications Commission is requiring phone companies with more than 100,000 domestic subscribers to submit aggregated reports on calls that customers make to rural areas. It’s part of an effort to crack down on a problem known as “rural call completion,” in which calls to remote parts of the country get dropped or never make it through.

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