American’s time on social networks almost doubles in a year; Facebook use grows by 700%

Spending more time on social networks and blogs? You’re not alone, with the latest figures showing the number of minutes spent on social networking sites in the United States has almost doubled over the past year.Nielsen Online, which measures web traffic, said the number of minutes on social networks in the United States rose 83 percent in April from the same month a year ago, but found users were quick to move on and sites could quickly fall from favor. see:Facebook use grows by 700%; maintains top social networking spot
In April, Facebook users spent 13.9 billion minutes on the site, a dramatic hike from the year-earlier total of 1.7 billion minutes, according to a report from The Nielsen Co. The 700% increase let Facebook easily maintain its place atop the social networking business.MySpace, according to Nielsen, came in a distant second place as users spent nearly 5 billion minutes on the site during April. The company fell far behind Facebook as its usage fell by 31% from April 2008, according to the Nielsen report.


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