Akamai State of the Internet Report Finds 604m IP Addresses

In the second quarter of 2011, there were more than 604 million unique IP addresses in 238 countries and regions that were connected to the Akamai Intelligent Platform the latest State of the Internet report from Akamai Technologies finds. This represents 3.4 per cent more IP addresses than were connected in the first quarter of 2011, and an increase of 21 per cent compared to the same quarter a year ago.Among those countries listed in the top 10 list for the number of unique IPv4 addresses connecting to the Akamai Intelligent Platform during the quarter, Brazil logged the greatest quarter-over-quarter increase at 9.0 per cent, growing to over 15 million IP addresses, with Japan’s 8.7 per cent growth to nearly 45 million IP addresses a close second.For European countries in the top 10, Italy boasted the greatest quarterly gain at 5.4 per cent, growing to just over 14 million IP addresses, while Germany mustered an increase of only 0.4 per cent, remaining just below 35 million IP addresses. The United States managed to add only 0.6 per cent to its unique IP address count, remaining just below 143.5 million IP addresses.Other issues reported on in the report are broadband speeds connected to the Akamai Intelligent Platform with 27 per cent of all connections made at high broadband speeds, greater than five Mbps and the 100 fastest cities worldwide based on average connection speeds.Of the top 100, cities in Asia continue to dominate the list, including 59 cities in Japan, 10 cities in South Korea, as well as Hong Kong. In Europe, Brno in the Czech Republic is the fastest city coming in at 55 and there were 18 US cities on the list, with San Jose, CA ranking as the fastest.The report also looked at mobile connection speeds and data consumption. In the second quarter of 2011, the average measured connection speed for known mobile providers worldwide ranged from a high of slightly more than 5 Mbps to a low of 209 kbps. Approximately three-quarters of the surveyed providers had average connection speeds above 1 Mbps.The State of the Internet report, published by Akamai Technologies, is published quarterly and is available for download from www.akamai.com/stateoftheinternet


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