ACLU chapter flags Facebook app privacy

The Northern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has put out a campaign designed to raise awareness of the privacy implications of Facebook’s developer platform. It’s focusing specifically on the popular “quiz” applications, like “Which Cocktail Best Suits Your Personality?” and “Which Wes Anderson Movie Character Are You?” These are largely one-time-use apps that many a Facebook user clicks on and tries out with little concern.According to the ACLU chapter, “millions of people on Facebook who use third-party applications on the site, including the popular quizzes, do not realize the extent to which developers of quizzes and other applications have access to personal information. Facebook’s default privacy settings allow nearly unfettered access to a user’s profile information, including religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, photos, events, notes, wall posts, and groups.” For the promotion, it’s put together a quiz about how much you know about Facebook-based quizzes.,39044908,62057244,00.htm

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