AAPT chief executive Paul Broad has questioned the federal government’s planned national broadband network saying questions remained over consumer demand for ultra-fast services and said the Industry Commission should conduct an independent study to locate Australia’s broadband deficiencies and determine the actual problem that needed addressing reports The Australian.But somehow Broad does not seem to understand the need for ultra-fast broadband in the future if Australia is to play its part in the global economy. Maybe Broad should see what is happening in Japan, South Korea, parts of France, and even what is proposed in the UK. 100mbps internet access is becoming common place in these countries, or will become soon. Maybe he should remember that even ten years ago dial-up internet access was considered to be adequate.Sure out broadband is adequate today in the major metropolitan areas, and in many regional areas, and many people will never need more than they have. But business is demanding ever increasing speeds and one even wonders if the proposed speeds for the national broadband network will be adequate in ten years time.One thing Broad does get right is there is insufficient broadband in some regional areas and many remote areas. And quite probably the role that mobile broadband will play in the future is not clear.And why Broad has made these claims now that AAPT has decided it will no longer participate in Terria, the rival to Telstra to build the national broadband network?To see Broad’s comments in The Australia, see www.australianit.news.com.au/story/0,24897,24526575-15306,00.html.