A Soldier’s Blog: Balancing Service Members’ Personal Rights vs. National Security Interests by Tatum H. Lytle

This Note examines the competing interests between ensuring military personnel’s freedom of speech while protecting national security interests. The Author recognizes the necessity of protecting national security interests but emphasizes that military personnel’s rights to free speech must be protected as long as such speech poses no threat to military security. In conclusion, clearer protections must be implemented to protect military personnel’s right to free speech.

This Note examines the competing interests between ensuring military personnel’s freedom of speech while protecting national security interests. The Author recognizes the necessity of protecting national security interests but emphasises that military personnel’s rights to free speech must be protected as long as such speech poses no threat to military security. In conclusion, clearer protections must be implemented to protect military personnel’s right to free speech.http://www.law.indiana.edu/fclj/pubs/v59/no3/12-Lytle.pdf

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