A New Wave of Web Addresses
Business Week reports on the DotMobi launch with 88,000 domains registered in the first two days (75,000 registrations reported elsewhere). Business Week asks who is registering these domains. Sarah Deutsch, General Counsel of VERizon, is quoted again saying big-name companies are being forced to register dotMobi domains or risk brand damage. Sarah says “Anytime one of these top-level domains is introduced, we are forced to register these domains proactively because if you don’t do that, you are going to find your trademark infringed. It might be linked with pornography or phishing or fraud. Companies are forced to come in and protect their crown jewels.” Sarah goes on to say that dotMobi names don’t offer the domain owners anything they can’t do with their existing domains. Meanwhile dotMobi CEO Neil Edwards obviously disagrees although in the article he doesn’t seem to give any convincing arguments.
A New Wave of Web Addresses
Business Week reports on the DotMobi launch with 88,000 domains registered in the first two days (75,000 registrations reported elsewhere). Business Week asks who is registering these domains. Sarah Deutsch, General Counsel of VERizon, is quoted again saying big-name companies are being forced to register dotMobi domains or risk brand damage. Sarah says “Anytime one of these top-level domains is introduced, we are forced to register these domains proactively because if you don’t do that, you are going to find your trademark infringed. It might be linked with pornography or phishing or fraud. Companies are forced to come in and protect their crown jewels.” Sarah goes on to say that dotMobi names don’t offer the domain owners anything they can’t do with their existing domains. Meanwhile dotMobi CEO Neil Edwards obviously disagrees although in the article he doesn’t seem to give any convincing arguments.