750,000 paedophiles prowling the net: UN

About 750,000 sexual predators are constantly prowling the internet in a bid to gain contact with children, a United Nations report warned.

About 750,000 sexual predators are constantly prowling the internet in a bid to gain contact with children, a United Nations report warned.”The number of sites devoted to child pornography worldwide is growing. The number of predators connected to the internet at any one time is estimated to be 750,000,” said Najat Maala, Special Rapporteur on the child prostitution and child pornography issue.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/09/17/2688234.htmAlso see:UN expert: child porn on Internet increases [AP]
The number of Web sites containing child pornography is increasing and more images show serious abuses, a U.N. expert said Wednesday.More than 4 million Web sites worldwide show images of children being sexually exploited, said the U.N. investigator on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Najat M’jid Maalla.
http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-technology/un-expert-child-porn-on-internet-increases-20090917-frxe.htmlCyber predators are ‘enemy number one’
As Australian children spend more time unsupervised on the internet, police say cyber predators are posing one of the greatest social challenges to the community.Police have told ABC TV’s 7.30 Report there is a disturbing trend in the proliferation of online child grooming, where unsupervised children are cultivated by cyber predators intent on committing sexual offences.

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