65% of .eu registrants chose a registrar based in their own country

EU EURid logo[news release] EURid has taken a closer look at the distribution of .eu registrations among its registrars and has found that 65 % of domain name registrants chose a registrar from their own country, 18 % chose a registrar from a different country in the European Union, and 17% chose a registrar located outside the EU.

Registrants in Germany, Poland and Lithuania were the ones most likely to use a national registrar.

In the European Union, registrars in Cyprus, Denmark and Luxembourg were the ones with the largest share of their business originating from outside the country. Reciprocal cross-border registrant-registrar pairings (meaning that many registrants from “country x” chose a registrar in “country y” and vice-versa) were noted in the cases of Belgium/France, Germany/Austria, Germany/Denmark, The Netherlands/Belgium, Germany/United Kingdom, Germany/France and Denmark/Sweden.

As for registrars based outside of the European Union, Indian registrars held 60% of the Bulgarian .eu registration market, while registrars in the US held 34% of the Portuguese market.

This EURid news release was sourced from:

Europe Registry logoTo register your .EU domain name, check out Europe Registry here.