The OECD held the first of three events to mark the 30th anniversary of its Privacy Guidelines. The Honorable Michael Kirby delivered the keynote address at the Roundtable, held in Paris on 10 March. He was joined by representatives from governments, civil society and business, who paid tribute to the impact the Guidelines around the world and discussed the Guidelines in light of current privacy challenges.2010 is an important year for privacy, as the OECD marks the 30th anniversary of its Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data. The Guidelines were the first international statement of the core information privacy principles and have proven highly influential over the years, serving as the basis for national and international privacy instruments.Several events have been planned for 2010, beginning with an OECD Roundtable on the impact of the Privacy Guidelines, which took place on 10 March. The keynote speaker for the event was the Honorable Michael Kirby, who chaired the OECD expert group that developed the Guidelines in 1980. Justice Kirby spoke of context in which the Guidelines were conceived, their strenghths and enduring value, and their future. Justice Kirby was then joined by the former Vice-Chair of the expert group, Louis Joinet, and the former Head of the ICCP Division, Hanspeter Gassmann, who recalled the experience of drafting the Guidelines.The agenda also included sessions in which representatives from governments, civil society, business and APEC spoke about the impact the Guidelines have had on the development of legislation, policies and self-regulation. The last session of the Roundtable focused on the Guidelines in the current environment, looking at initiatives in Europe and the United States, as well as a recent initiative to prepare a more global approach to privacy protection. Following the Roundtable, the Electronic Privacy Information Center presented Justice Kirby with the 2010 International Privacy Champion Award for his contributions to developing the Guidelines.The second event will be a conference on the evolving privacy landscape, to be held in Jerusalem, Israel on 25-26 October. The event will be hosted by the Israeli Law, Information and Technology Authority, and held back-to-back with the 32nd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners.,3343,en_2649_34255_44946983_1_1_1_1,00.html
30th Anniversary of the OECD Privacy Guidelines, 10 Mar. 2010
The OECD held the first of three events to mark the 30th anniversary of its Privacy Guidelines. The Honorable Michael Kirby delivered the keynote address at the Roundtable, held in Paris on 10 March. He was joined by representatives from governments, civil society and business, who paid tribute to the impact the Guidelines around the world and discussed the Guidelines in light of current privacy challenges.